

CCB Privatklinik GmbH

Wilhelm-Epstein-Str. 2
60431 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 94 50 28 – 172
Fax.: +49 (0)69 46 16 13

E-Mail: info(at)ccb-privatklinik(dot)de

Partners with power of representation:

Prof. Dr. med. B. Nowak
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

Dr. med. B. Schulte-Hahn
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

Prof. Dr. med. T. Voigtländer
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

Prof. Dr. med. A. Schmermund
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

Prof. Dr. med. O. Dörr
Specialist in internal medicine and cardiology, internal intensive care medicine

Prof. Dr. med. H. Eggebrecht
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

Prof. Dr. med. K.R. J. Chun
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

Prof. Dr. med. B. Schmidt
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

Dr. med. M. Piorkowski
Specialist in internal medicine, angiology and cardiology

Dr. med. K. Giokoglu
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

Prof. Dr. C. Liebetrau
Specialist in internal medicine with focus on cardiology

All the physicians listed here were awarded their professional title in Germany.

They are members of the Medical Association of Hesse and the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Hesse, District Office Frankfurt/M. (Reg. No. 40 19 062).

Landesärztekammer Hessen
Hanauer Landstraße 152
60314 Frankfurt

The Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum and all the physicians listed here are registered with the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Hesse.

Professional regulations:
Medical Association of Hesse
Professional code of conduct of Hessian physicians
Healthcare Professionals Act
Social Code

Tax ID number.: 222507812

Design and production

Programming and hosting
Softloop GmbH

Anja Jahn

Legal notice

All details contained on the website of Cardioangiologisches Zentrum Bethanien have been thoroughly researched and checked by MVZ CCB Frankfurt und Main-Taunus GbR. Despite careful checking of the content, MVZ CCB Frankfurt und Main-Taunus GbR provides no guarantee and assumes no liability – either explicitly or implicitly – for the correctness, completeness, freshness and quality of the information provided. Liability in connection with the website is only assumed from the time of knowledge of a concrete infringement. MVZ CCB Frankfurt und Main-Taunus GbR will remove relevant content immediately upon becoming aware of such infringements.

MVZ CCB Frankfurt und Main-Taunus GbR may change or update this website, or discontinue its operation, at any time without notice.

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